Green IT is the study and practice to reduce negative impact of Information Technology on environment. It is not just about environment. But you will be amazed at what Green IT can do for bottom line in your organization and how it can save your business resources and operating cost.
Background of Green Movement

Green House Gases (GHG) naturally blanket of the earth and responsible for its more or less stable temperature. An increasing in the emission of the main greenhouse gases (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous and Fluorocarbons) to be responsible for global warming. It could be lead to severe floods, droughts, raising the sea levels and other environmental effects and directly effecting on our life and world economy.
After 1997 Kyoto Protocol for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the world has finally taken the first step in reducing Green House Gases (GHG) emissions. which are a major contributing factor to global warming. Governments, Private organizations, NGOs and civil society at large now have an important agenda to tackling environmental issues and adopting environment friendly practices. and trying to use Green Technologies in every field of life . Such as Green Energy for electricity generation (solar power or wind power), Green Buildings for construction field, Green Buses for transportation field and Green IT / Sustainable IT for information technology field.

What is Green IT

Green IT refers to environmentally sustainable computing. It is the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, recycling & disposing of computers and associated subsystem, efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on environment. Its also struggle to achieve economic viability and improvement in system performance and use of system while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities. In other words

“Green IT is the study and practice of using IT resources in efficiently, effectively, economically and Eco-friendly manners”

Green IT in Pakistan

In current scenario of Pakistan both private and public sector organizations now facing energy crisis, economical crisis and security threats. These issues directly or indirectly impact on their businesses. for that reason to minimize the impact of above mention issues smart companies adopting new and advance technologies and techniques for better usage of available resources and Green IT is one of that. But unfortunately in Pakistan majority of IT professional unaware with this state of art environmental IT practice and lack of skills. and expertise to implementation of Green IT in their organizations. As a result they are unable to get the social and economical benefits for their organization from this sustainable IT strategy. So government and private organization must be realize this situations and try to provide high quality training on Green IT skills to their IT professionals or hire qualified Green IT professionals They help them to get maximum ROI from information technology resources and raising the respect of their organizations with adopting this green technology.

Road map to Green IT

Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people , networks and hardware therefore to comprehensively and effectively address this environmental impacts of IT. you must focus on these areas and activities in IT field
  • Develop a Green IT awareness program
  • Audit to calculate organization’s carbon footprint for environment.
  • Identify the best energy conservation practices
  • Reduce paper consumption.
  • Examine IT procurement and follow Eco-labeling procurement guidelines
  • Identifying E-waste disposal or recycling procedures
  • Implementing virtualization & telecommuting techniques
  • Data center management
Above mention environmental IT road map help you to implementing Green IT in your organizations.
Muhammad Ismail ( twitter@mimGITpk )